Introduction to MINERVAS

MINERVAS is a Massive INterior EnviRonments VirtuAl Synthesis system. It aims to facilitate various vision problems by providing a programmable imagery data synthesis platform.

Based on the large-scale (more than 50 million) high-quality (professional artist designed) database of, MINERVAS provides a way for all users to access and manipulate them for facilitating their data-driven task.

System Pipeline

The pipeline of MINERVAS includes the following parts:

  • Scene Process Stage: In this stage, users can filter scenes by their condition and re-arrange the layout of 3D scenes for domain randomization.
  • Entity Process Stage: This Stage is designed for batch processing entities in the scene. Users can easily use entity-level samplers to randomize attributes of each entity, including furniture (e.g., CAD model, material, transformation), light (e.g., intensity, color), and camera (e.g., camera model, transformation). Modifying the attribute of each object manually is also supported.
  • Render Stage: the system uses the generated scenes to generate 2D renderings with the photo-realistic rendering engine.
  • Pixel Process Stage: In this stage, users can apply pixel-wise processing operations on the imagery data.

Considering the flexibility and ease of use of the system, MINERVAS provides two ways of usage: a user-friendly GUI mode and a flexible programmable mode. In the programmable mode, the pipeline is fully controlled by the Domain-Specific Language (DSL). The DSL of MINERVAS is based on Python programming languages and contains multiple useful built-in functions as we will introduce in the next chapter. Moreover, as the diversity of the data is crucial for learning-based methods, MINERVAS also supports domain randomization both in GUI mode and programmable mode.

In this documentation, we provide a DSL programming guide of MINERVAS along with some examples of vision tasks.

For more information, please visit our project page. For any problem in usage or any suggestion, please feel free to contact us

DSL Programming Guide

MINERVAS has a programmable dataset generation pipeline with Domain-Specific Language. As the main interface for users to cutomize the dataset generation for different task, we describe our DSL in this section.

Introduction to DSL of MINERVAS

The DSL (Domain-Specific Language) of MINERVAS is a kind of internal DSL, it is based on the Python programming language.

Each DSL file submitted to MINERVAS system is a Python file ended with .py.

In the Python file, users need to:

  • Declare one or more classes inheriting from corresponding built-in processor class.
  • Implement the cutomized operation in the process() function.

Processor classes

There are currently four processor classes in MINERVAS system, which reflect different stages of the dataset generation pipeline.

  1. SceneProcessor, provides custom filtering and modifying 3D scenes in scene-level.
from ksecs.ECS.processors.scene_processor import SceneProcessor
class sceneDsl(SceneProcessor):
	def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
  1. EntityProcessor, provides custom modifying of each attributes of objects in entity-level.
from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
class entityDsl(EntityProcessor):
	def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
  1. RenderProcessor, provides customization in the rendering process.
from ksecs.ECS.processors.render_processor import RenderProcessor
class renderDsl(RenderProcessor):
	def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
  1. PixelProcessor, provides customed post-processing of rendered image results
from ksecs.ECS.processors.pixel_processor import PixelProcessor
class pixelDsl(PixelProcessor):
	def process(self, *args, **kwargs):

Tips: Don't forget to import the corresponding processor class from ksces.ECS.processors before use.

Attribute: shader

shader is a common attribute of all Processor classes. It is an instance of class Shader, which provides interface for accessing all 3D data assets and built-in function.

World class

The class Shader has an attribute: world. world object is an instance of class World. The World class is an interface for a whole 3D scene in the database. It contains serveral elements:

instanceslist of InstanceAll objects (furniture) in the scene
lightslist of LightAll lights in the scene
roomslist of RoomAll rooms in the scene (whole floorplan)
levelslist of LevelInformation for each level floors in the scene
trajectorieslist of TrajectoryAll trajectories in the scene
cameraslist of CameraAll exist cameras in the scene

We will introduce each class in the following parts.

delete_entity((entity))delete entity from the scene.
add_camera({attr_name}={attr_value})create a new camera and add it to the scene
tune_brightness__all_lights(ratio)adjust the brightness of all lights in the scene(ratio: brightness adjustment multiple)
tune_brightness__sunlight(ratio)adjust the multiple of natural light and turn off other light sources. (ratio: brightness adjustment multiple)
replace_material(id, type, category)domain randomization for materials. See Material
replace_model(id)domain randomization for models. See Model
add_trajectory({attr_name}={attr_value})create a new trajectory and add to the scene. See Trajectory
pick(**kwargs)Save customized attributes as output. See example in Layout Estimation. This function is encouraged to be called in StructureProcessor for robustness.


Since our system supports customization to the scene, the user should easily access the scene with a suitable 3D scene representation. Thus, we employ the Entity Component System (ECS) architecture to represent and organize the 3D scene in our system. Additionally, to facilitate the randomness of scene synthesis, we integrate random distributions into the original ECS architecture, ie, attaching a distribution to depict each component. The newly proposed architecture is named as ECS-D, where D denotes distributions on components.

Scene Processor

The scene process stage takes the scene database as input and allows users to filter desired scenes and modify the room layout of selected scenes from the database. Users need to implement a class inherite from SceneProcessor to control the scene process stage.

Each room is an instance of the class Room. Based on these, users could filter scenes and modify the furniture layout of a room.

More description about Room

Scene filtering

In SceneProcessor, user can customize their rules for filtering scenes from the database. For example, the room type, the number of rooms, the number of furniture in the room, etc.

In the following, we provide a DSL code for generating scenes which have more than three rooms and has at least two bedrooms.

from ksecs.ECS.processors.scene_processor import SceneProcessor
class SceneFilterExample(SceneProcessor):
    def process(self):
        if len( <= 3:
        bedroom_count = 0
        for room in
            if room.type == "bedroom":
                bedroom_count += 1
        if bedroom_count < 2:

Note that exit value 7 represents the exit is caused by unstatisfying scene.

For some simple filtering rules, we recommed users to use a more user-friendly GUI mode.


The room's information is encapsulated as Room.


roomIdstrString for identifing the room.
positionlist2D coordinates of room center.
boundarylistBoundary of room represented by corners in 2D coordinates.
namestrThe name of room.
areastrThe area of room.

Domain randomization - Room Sampler

MINERVAS has a scene level sampler to generate novel furniture arrangements. Users can generate various reasonable furniture arrangements for domain randomization with this sampler.

Sampler code:

from ksecs.ECS.processors.scene_processor import SceneProcessor
class RoomSampler(SceneProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for room in



Level contains information of different floors in the scene. The height of each level is provided.


idstrThe string for identifing the level.
heightfloatThe height of the level.

Entity Processor

The entity process stage is designed for batch processing entities in the scene set. Users can implement an EntityProcessor to control the entity process stage.

Also, attributes (component) of each object (entity) can be manipulated in this processor, including:

Entity filtering

We filter out cameras in the room with few furniture in the following example DSL.

from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
from shapely.geometry import Point
class CameraFilterProcessor(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for room in
            polygon = room.gen_polygon()
            furniture_count = 0
            for ins in
                if not ins.type == 'ASSET':
                if polygon.contains(Point([ins.transform[i] for i in [3, 7, 11]])):
                    furniture_count += 1
            if furniture_count < 5: # We only use room with more than or equal to 5 assets
                for camera in
                    if polygon.contains(Point([camera.position[axis] for axis in "xyz"])):


DSL supports the addition of three types of cameras, including:

When adding a camera, you need to set the camera's parameters, including the common parameters of all types of cameras and the unique parameters of specific types of cameras.


AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
idstrCamera ID, users need to add a prefix to ensure that the ID is unique-Yes
cameraTypestrCamera type, support PERSPECTIVE (perspective camera), ORTHO (orthogonal camera), PANORAMA (panoramic camera)"PERSPECTIVE"
positiondictCamera coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm-Yes
lookAtdictTarget coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mmposition+{'x':1,'y':0,'z': 0}
updictCamera up direction, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm{'x':0,'y':0,'z': 1}
imageWidthintWidth of the image-Yes
imageHeightintThe height of the image-Yes
nearfloatCut plane near200
farfloatCut plane far2000000


set_attr({attr_name}, *args, **kwargs)Set the attributes of the camera, see the name of the camera attributes

Get the camera and its attributes

Function Description

  • Get the camera list of the scene
  • camera.{attr_name}: Get the attributes of the camera, see the name of the camera attributes.


class ReadCameraDsl(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        # loop all camera
        for camera in
            cameraType = camera.cameraType

Create/Add Camera

Function Description

  •{attr_name}={attr_value}): create a new camera and add it to the scene
  •{attr_name}={attr_value}): create a camera


class CreateCameraDsl(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        # add camera
        camera =

Modify camera

Function Description

  • camera.set_attr({attr_name}, *args, **kwargs)1: modify the attributes of the camera example
class SetCameraDsl(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for camera in
            # set camera attr
            camera.set_attr('position', x=100, y=0, z=1000)
            camera.set_attr('imageWidth', 1280)
            camera.set_attr('hfov', 90, "degree")

*args may have multiple input parameters, in addition to the value of hfov, vfov, you can also specify the unit as "degree"/"rad"; **kwargs is used as a dictionary Type of attributes, such as position, etc.

Domain randomization - Camera Sampler

Randomize camera position and view direction for PanoramicCamera.

import numpy as np
from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
class CameraRandomizer(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for camera in
            random_vec = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=3)
            camera_pos = np.array([camera.position[axis] for axis in "xyz"])
            randomized_pos = camera_pos + random_vec * np.array([500.0, 500.0, 50.0])
            camera.set_attr('position', x=randomized_pos[0], y=randomized_pos[1], z=randomized_pos[2])
            camera.set_attr('lookAt', z=randomized_pos[2])
            camera.set_attr("cameraType", "PANORAMA")



AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
idstrCamera ID, users need to add a prefix to ensure that the ID is unique-Yes
positiondictCamera coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm-Yes
lookAtdictTarget coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mmposition+{'x':1,'y':0,'z': 0}
updictCamera up direction, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm{'x':0,'y':0,'z': 1}
imageWidthfloatWidth of the image-Yes
imageHeightfloatThe height of the image-Yes
nearfloatCut plane near200
farfloatCut plane far2000000
vfovfloatVertical fov, fov in OpenGL, the angle value-yes
hfovfloatHorizontal fov, when it coexists with vfov, vfov shall prevail, the angle value-



AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
idstrCamera ID, users need to add a prefix to ensure that the ID is unique-Yes
positiondictCamera coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm-Yes
lookAtdictTarget coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mmposition+{'x':1,'y':0,'z': 0}
updictCamera up direction, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm{'x':0,'y':0,'z': 1}
imageWidthfloatWidth of the image-Yes
imageHeightfloatThe height of the image-Yes
nearfloatCut plane near200
farfloatCut plane far2000000
orthoWidthfloatThe width of the camera displayed in the model space, in millimeters-yes
orthoHeightfloatThe height displayed by the camera in the model space, in millimeters-yes



AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
idstrCamera ID, users need to add a prefix to ensure that the ID is unique-Yes
positiondictCamera coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm-Yes
lookAtdictTarget coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mmposition+{'x':1,'y':0,'z': 0}
updictCamera up direction, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm{'x':0,'y':0,'z': 1}
imageWidthfloatWidth of the image-Yes
imageHeightfloatThe height of the image-Yes
nearfloatCut plane near200
farfloatCut plane far2000000


DSL supports four types of lights. There are PointLight, RectangleLight, Sunlight, IESspotLight.


lightTypestrPointLight, RectangleLight, SunLight, IESspotLight
energyfloatThe intensity of light.
colordictThe color of light. The format is {x": 3.4734852, "y": 6.955175, "z": 6.3826585}. It is the normalized rgb multipled by the energy.

Access the attributes of light

example DSL:

class ReadLightDsl(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        # loop all lights
        for light in
            position = light.position


set_attr({attr_name}, **kwargs)modify light attributes. **kwargs is used for attributes of dictionary type, such as position, etc.
_tune_temp(delta)Random adjust color temperature. (delta: weight for tuned color temperature) (1 - delta) * orig + delta * tuned
tune_random(ratio)Random light intensity. 50% probability attenuates according to ratio, 50% probability is uniformly sampled from the interval [0.1, 0.3] to get the attenuation coefficient.
tune_intensity(ratio)Set brightness attenutation. (ratio: brightness adjustment multiple)

Modify the lighting attributes directly

example DSL:

class SetLightDsl(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for light in
            # set light attr
            light.set_attr('position', x=100, y=0, z=1000)

The overall light intensity adjustment of the scene

There are two built-in function of EntityProcessor which can tune intensity of all lights.

tune_brightness__all_lights(ratio)adjust the brightness of all lights in the scene(ratio: brightness adjustment multiple)
tune_brightness__sunlight(ratio)adjust the multiple of natural light and turn off other light sources. (ratio: brightness adjustment multiple)

Example of use:

class TuneLights(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):

Domain randomization - Light Sampler

Example DSL:

class LightsSampler(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        for light in
            # Adjust the color temperature randomly
            # Adjust the light intensity randomly
            # Use lower light intensity



Point light radiates illumination into all directions uniformly from a point.

positiondictThe format is {"x": 191.20065,"y": 9078.513,"z": 69.999985}


Rectangle light is a light emitted from the rectangle shape object.

The size of rectangel light is determined by U and V vectors. The normal direction is a unit vector with the direction of cross prodcut of U and V vector.

directionUdictThe format is {"x": 0.0, "y": -291.0, "z": 0.0}
normalDirectiondictThe format is {"x": -0.0, "y": -0.0, "z": -1.0}
positiondictThe format is {"x": 191.20065,"y": 9078.513,"z": 69.999985}, the unit is mm


Sun light is the directional light. It radiates a specified power per unit area along a fixed direction.

directiondictThe format is {"x": -0.57735026, "y": 0.57735026, "z": 0.57735026}


IESspotlight is a spotlight with measured IES profile, which can provide realistic lighting effect.

directiondictThe format is {"x": -0.57735026, "y": 0.57735026, "z": 0.57735026}
positiondictThe format is {"x": 191.20065,"y": 9078.513,"z": 69.999985}, the unit is mm


Each object in the scene is an Instance. User can add/delete some instance, or changing the transformation/scale for each instance.


AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
idstrInstance ID, users need to add their own prefix to ensure that the ID is unique-Yes
labelintThe label of the instance, indicating the category to which the instance belongs-Yes
transformlistThe transformation matrix of the instance, which is a list type of a 4 x 4 matrix transformed according to row first-Yes
typestrPossible values are MESH | ASSET| COMPOSITE-Yes


set_attr({attr_name}, *args, **kwargs)Set the attributes of the instance, see the name of the instance attributes
set_rotation(rotation_list)Set rotation of instance. rotation_list: list. 3 x 3 matrix converted according to row first list.
set_scale(scale_list)Set scale of instance. scale_list: list. a list of scaling factors
set_position(position_list)Set position of instance. position_list: list. a list of position coordinates.

Get the instance and its attributes


class ReadInstanceDsl(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        # loop all instances
        for instance in
            label = instance.label

Add instance

Function Description{attr_name}={attr_value}): Create a new instance and add it to the scene


class AddInstance(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        ins =
            id="test", label=1107, path="meshId", type="ASSET",
            transform=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

Modify instance properties

Modify the instance transformation matrix

When modifying this attribute, it is achieved by rotating, panning and zooming, and one or more of the following operations can be performed


class SetInstance(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        for ins in
                [0, 0, 50]
                [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]
            ).set_scale([1, 1, 1])

For some cases, users want to generate scenes with disorder objects for exploring the generalizations of CV models. This can be easily achieved by using these interfaces, we show an example code below.

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
class DisorderInstance(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        for ins in
            random_pos = np.array([ins.transform[i] for i in [3, 7, 11]]) + np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=3) * 10
            random_pos[2] = np.random.random() *[0].height


Material is an important component for every object in the scene. Our DSL also supports sampling new materials for each object for domain randomization.

Since the material is the core asset of the database, we only explore its index in the database and do not allow users to access the raw data.

Domain randomization - Material Sampler

MINERVAS provides replace_material method, which will provides following functionality:

  1. REPLACE_ALL: Given a Model to randomly replace the material corresponding to each part (each part is sampled separately from the preset material library).
  2. REPLACE_BY_CATEGORY: Given a Model and the desired material category, and randomly replace the material of each part to the material of the corresponding material category. (Each part is sampled separately from the desired category of the preset material library)
  3. REPLACE_TO_GIVEN_LIST: Given a Model and the specified material id list, and randomly replace the material of each part to the material in the list.

Function parameters

First nameRequired or notTypeDescription
idYesStringIdentifies the Model to be modified
categoryRequired when type=REPLACE_BY_CATEGORYStringCategory name to be replaced. Candidate material types currently: WOOD(0L),METAL(1),STONE(2).
idsRequired when type=REPLACE_TO_GIVEN_LISTList of StringID list to be replaced


class MaterialSampler(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for instance in
            # floor category_id: 1227
            # sofa category_id: 1068 
            # carpet category_id: 1080
            if instance.label in [1227, 1068, 1080]:



In our system, the CAD model of each object in the scene can be easily replaced by user. The category of object remains the same for reasonable result. Since the mesh is the core asset of the database, we only explore its index in the database and do not allow users to access the raw data.

Domain randomization - Model sampler

MINERVAS provides replace_model method, which will provides following functionality:

The input the id of an Instance object and randomly replace the model of this object with a new model with the same semantic.

Function parameters

First nameRequired or notTypeDescription
idYesStringIdentifies the instance to be replaced


Now, we show a DSL code which randomly replace the model of sofa and table.

class MeshSampler(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for instance in
            # table category_id: 1032
            # sofa category_id: 1068 
            if instance.type == 'ASSET' and instance.label in [1032, 1068]:



DSL supports adding trajectory to the entity. Trajectory is an important component especially for robotic related tasks. In the MINERVAS system, users could sample a random trajectory or add a handcrafted trajectory to the camera.

There are three types of trajectories:


AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
typestrRANDOM (random trajectory); COVERAGE (bow-shape trajectory); DEFINED (user customized trajectory, usually by tapping the key frame in the scene).-Yes
pitchfloatThe angle of pitch-Yes
heightfloatThe height of camera. The unit is mm.-Yes

Get trajectory and its attributes

Function explanation

  • Get trajectory list in the scene.
  • trajectory.{attr_name}: Get attributes of trajectory.


from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
class ReadTrajDsl(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        # loop all trajectories
        for traj in
            cameraHeight = traj.height

Add trajectory

Add coverage trajectory

  •{attr_name}={attr_value}): create a new trajectory and add to the scene.


from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
class CreateTrajDsl(EntityProcessor):
  def process(self):
    for room in

            # Get room center
            room_center_x, room_center_y = room.position

            # Create trajectory of initial camera
            camera =



                position=[room_center_x, room_center_y, 70],











Add Customized trajectory

from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
class CreateTrajDsl(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):


The example for customized trajectory is shown in SLAM section.



AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
pitchfloatThe angle of pitch-Yes
heightfloatThe height of camera. The unit is mm.-Yes
initCameraCameraInitialize camera. Input arguments are the same as Camera.-Yes
fpsintFrames per second-Yes
speedfloattrajectory speed (the unit is mm/s)-Yes
colisionPaddingfloatThe radius of collision detection-Yes
timefloatduration of time (the unit is s)-Yes



AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
pitchfloatThe angle of pitch-Yes
heightfloatThe height of camera. The unit is mm.-Yes
initCameraCameraInitialize camera. Input arguments are the same as Camera.-Yes
fpsintFrames per second-Yes
speedfloattrajectory speed (the unit is mm/s)-Yes
colisionPaddingfloatThe radius of collision detection-Yes
boundarylistRestriction range of trajectory-Yes



pitchfloatThe angle of pitchYes
heightfloatThe height of camera. The unit is mm.Yes
imageWidthintThe width of rendered imageYes
imageHeightintThe height of rendered imageYes
keyPointslist(Key points in image space. pixel indicies: [[[[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]]])YesThree dimensional list. 1. list of keypoints set 2. list of pixel coordinates. 3. pixel coordinates
fpsintFrames per second-Required if frameCount is not specified
speedfloattrajectory speed (the unit is mm/s)-Required if frameCount is not specified
speedModeintMode for randomized speed, 0: initial randomization 1: procedual randomization-Required if speed is specified
frameCountintTotal frame count-Required if fps is not specified
pitchModeintMode of pitch randomization, 0: initial randomization, 1: procedual randomizationYes
hfowfloatHorizontal field of view (the unit is degree)-Required if camera type is default or 'PERSPECTIVE'
vfowfloatVertical field of view (the unit is degree)-Required if camera type is default or 'PERSPECTIVE'
orthoWidthfloathorizontal field of view (the unit is mm)-Required if camera type is default or 'PERSPECTIVE'
orthoHeightfloatvertical field of view (the unit is mm)-Required if camera type is default or 'PERSPECTIVE'
heightModeintMode of camera height, 0: initial randomization, 1: procedual randomizationYes

Render Processor

In the Render Stage, MINERVAS system uses the generated scenes to generate 2D renderings with the photo-realistic rendering engine.


gen_rgb(distort=0)Rendering photo-realistic image. distort(int) represent using distortion or not when rendering. See Distortion Simulation for details.

Example: RGB rendering

Output format: 3 channel * 8 bit


from ksecs.ECS.processors.render_processor import RenderProcessor
class Render(RenderProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):

Pixel Processor

In the pixel process stage, the system modifies imagery output pixel-wisely and generates the final dataset. Users can implement a PixelProcessor to control the pixel process stage.

Specifically, users can

  1. select the output information with interest. (e.g., normal map, semantic map)
  2. generate randomized image noise.
  3. add distortion to rendered image.
  4. visualize strucutre of room.


gen_normal(distort=0)Generate normal map. (distort: int)
gen_instance(distort=0)Generate intance map. (distort: int)
gen_semantic(distort=0)Generate semantic map. (distort: int)
gen_depth(distort=0, noise=0)Generate depth map. (distort: int, noise: int)
gen_traj(**params)Generate trajectory visualization (top-down view). (params: dict: parameter list from each type of Trajectory)
gen_albedo(distort=0)Generate albedo map. (distort: int)

Output selection

In the MINERVAS system, there are several rendering output we support:

  • RGB renderings
  • Normal map
  • Instance map
  • Semantic map
  • Depth map
  • Trajectory map

Function list

PixelProcessor has several functions for selecting different output.

gen_normal(distort=0)Generate normal map. (distort: int)
gen_instance(distort=0)Generate intance map. (distort: int)
gen_semantic(distort=0)Generate semantic map. (distort: int)
gen_depth(distort=0, noise=0)Generate depth map. (distort: int, noise: int)
gen_traj(**params)Generate trajectory visualization (top-down view). (params: dict: parameter list from each type of Trajectory)
gen_albedo(distort=0)Generate albedo map. (distort: int)


Normal map

Output format:

  1. 3 channel * 8 bit
  2. Suppose r, g, b represent three color channels
    • [-1, 1] range of normal direction value are mapped to [0, 255]


from ksecs.ECS.processors.pixel_processor import PixelProcessor
class NormalDsl(PixelProcessor):
    def process(self, **kwargs):

Instance map

Output format:

  1. 1 channel * 16 bit
  2. Each pixel value represent a instance_id.
    • The mapping of pixel value and instance id can be found in instance_map.json.


from ksecs.ECS.processors.pixel_processor import PixelProcessor
class InstanceDsl(PixelProcessor):
    def process(self, **kwargs):

Semantic map

Output format:

  1. 1 channel * 16 bit
  2. Each pixel value represents a label_id


from ksecs.ECS.processors.pixel_processor import PixelProcessor
class SemanticDsl(PixelProcessor):
    def process(self, **kwargs):

Depth map

Output format:

  1. 1 channel * 16 bit


from ksecs.ECS.processors.pixel_processor import PixelProcessor
class DepthDsl(PixelProcessor):
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        self.gen_depth(distort=0, noise=1)

Trajectory map

Visualize trajectory in the top-down view rendering result. Customized trajectory and bow-shape trajectory are currently supported.


from ksecs.ECS.processors.render_processor import RenderProcessor
class TrajDSL(RenderProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):

Notes: **params to be specified are in Trajectory.

Albedo map

Ouput format: 4 channel * 8 bits

from ksecs.ECS.processors.pixel_processor import PixelProcessor
class AlbedoDsl(PixelProcessor):
    def process(self, **kwargs):

Noise simulation

MINERVAS system supports to simulate four common image noises:

  1. Gaussian Noise
  2. Poisson Noise
  3. Salt and Pepper Noise
  4. Kinect Noise


add_depth_noise(img, noise_type)img (numpy.ndarray with dtype=uint16) is the image to be processed. noise_type is an integer flag for noise type. See following list.
0: GaussianNoiseModel
1: PoissonNoiseModel
2: SaltAndPepperNoiseModel
3: KinectNoiseModel

Distortion Simulation

MINERVAS system supports distortion simulation.

Following function has the parameter for distortion.

  • get_rgb(distort=0, noise=0)
  • gen_normal(distort=0, noise=0)
  • gen_instance(distort=0, noise=0)
  • gen_semantic(distort=0, noise=0)
  • gen_depth(distort=0, noise=0)
  • gen_albedo(distort=0, noise=0)

Parameter distort is an integer flag:

  • 0: No distortion
  • 1: Add distortion


Add distortion when rendering photo-realistic image.

class AddDistortionDsl(PixelProcessor):
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        gen_rgb(distort=1, noise=0)


In this section, we will show serveral examples associated with corresponding DSL code, which includes:

Layout Estimation


Layout estimiation is a challenging task in 3D vision. Several datasets are proposed to tackle this problem, including the large scale synthetic dataset Structured3D. MINERVAS system has the ability to generate dataset like Structured3D.

Here we show the DSL for generating data which helps boosting the current layout estimation task.

More details can be found in the paper and supplementary document.

DSL code

In this example, we generate both panoramic rgb images and scene structure information.

We first filter scenes with Manhattan-world assumption using ManhattanSceneFilter in the Scene Process Stage.

In the Entity Process Stage, we then remove the cameras in the relatively empty rooms using CameraFilter. Next, we set the camera parameters (\eg, camera type and image resolution) using CameraSetting. We randomize the positions of the cameras using CameraRandomizer.

After the Rendering Process Stage, we record the positions of room corners and cameras using StructureOutput.

from ksecs.ECS.processors.scene_processor import SceneProcessor
import glm
import copy
import sys
class ManhattanSceneFilter(SceneProcessor):
    def is_manhattan_scene(self):
        # Check Manhattan assumption for each room
        Valid = False
        for room in
            corners = room.boundary
            shift_corners = copy.deepcopy(corners)
            for i in range(len(shift_corners)):
                direction = glm.vec2(shift_corners[i]).xy - glm.vec2(corners[i]).xy
                direction = glm.normalize(direction)
                shift_corners[i] = direction
            EPSILON = 0.001
            MANHATTAN = True
            for i in range(len(shift_corners)):
                cos =[i], shift_corners[(i + 1) % len(shift_corners)])
                if cos > EPSILON:
                    MANHATTAN = False
            if MANHATTAN:
                Valid = True
        return Valid

    def process(self):
        if not self.is_manhattan_scene():

from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
from shapely.geometry import Point
class CameraFilter(EntityProcessor):
    def is_valid_room(self, room, num_furniture=3):
        # Check if the number of furniture in the room is above threshold.
        polygon = room.gen_polygon()
        count = 0
        for ins in
            if not ins.type == 'ASSET':
            if polygon.contains(Point([ins.transform[i] for i in [3, 7, 11]])):
                count += 1
        return count > num_furniture
    def delete_cameras_in_room(self, room):
        polygon = room.gen_polygon()
        for camera in
            if polygon.contains(Point([camera.position[axis] for axis in "xyz"])):

    def process(self):
        # We only use rooms with more than 4 assets
        for room in
            if not self.is_valid_room(room, 4):

class CameraSetting(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for camera in
            camera.set_attr("imageWidth", 1024)
            camera.set_attr("imageHeight", 512)
            camera.set_attr("cameraType", "PANORAMA")

import numpy as np
class CameraRandomizer(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for camera in
            random_vec = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=3)
            camera_pos = np.array([camera.position[axis] for axis in "xyz"])
            randomized_pos = camera_pos + random_vec * np.array([500.0, 500.0, 50.0])
            camera.set_attr('position', x=randomized_pos[0], y=randomized_pos[1], z=randomized_pos[2])
            camera.set_attr('lookAt', z=randomized_pos[2])

from ksecs.ECS.processors.render_processor import RenderProcessor
class Render(RenderProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.gen_rgb(distort=0, noise=0)

from ksecs.ECS.processors.structure_processor import StructureProcessor
class StructureOutput(StructureProcessor):
    def process(self):
        # write out the corners of the rooms in the scene
        for room in
            for plane, height in zip(["floor", "ceiling"], [0,[0].height]):
                corners = []
                for corner in room.boundary:
                    corners.append({'x': corner[0], 'y': corner[1], 'z': height})
        # write out cameras in the scene
        for camera in

MINERVAS output samples


Semantic Segmentation


Semantic segmentation is an essential task in indoor scene understanding. We show the performance gain by generating dataset using our system.

Here we show the DSL for generating semantic mask in NYUd-v2-40 format which helps boosting the current semantic segmentation task.

More details can be found in the paper and supplementary document.

DSL code

In this example, we generate semantic labels and show the domain randomization ability of the MINERVAS system.

First, in the Entity Process Stage we filter out cameras in the rooms which do not has more than 4 furniture using CameraFilter. For each camera, we set the camera model as panorama and the resolution of the image to 640 * 480 in class CameraSetting.

We then utilize the system's ability for domain randomization to generate data. Specifically, we randomize room layout in the Scene Process Stage using FurnitureLayoutSampler. Then, we randomize material, model and camera in the Entity Process Stage using EntityRandomizer.

In the Pixel Process Stage, we generate semantic label with NYUv2 40 label set as shown in SemanticOutput class.

from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
from shapely.geometry import Point
class CameraFilter(EntityProcessor):
    def is_valid_room(self, room, num_furniture=3):
        # Check if the number of furniture in the room is above threshold.
        polygon = room.gen_polygon()
        count = 0
        for ins in
            if not ins.type == 'ASSET':
            if polygon.contains(Point([ins.transform[i] for i in [3, 7, 11]])):
                count += 1
        return count > num_furniture
    def delete_cameras_in_room(self, room):
        polygon = room.gen_polygon()
        for camera in
            if polygon.contains(Point([camera.position[axis] for axis in "xyz"])):

    def process(self):
        # We only use rooms with more than 4 assets
        for room in
            if not self.is_valid_room(room, 4):

class CameraSetting(EntityProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for camera in
            camera.set_attr("imageWidth", 1024)
            camera.set_attr("imageHeight", 512)
            camera.set_attr("cameraType", "PANORAMA")

# Randomize layout
from ksecs.ECS.processors.scene_processor import SceneProcessor
class FurnitureLayoutSampler(SceneProcessor):
    def process(self):
        for room in

import numpy as np
class EntityRandomizer(EntityProcessor):
    def randomize_model_material(self):
        for instance in
            # Randomize material
            if instance.type == 'ASSET':
                # Randomize model

    def randomize_light(self):
        for light in
            # Randonly adjust the color temperature
            # Randomly adjust the light intensity

    def randomize_camera(self):
        for camera in
            random_vec = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=3)
            camera_pos = np.array([camera.position[axis] for axis in "xyz"])
            randomized_pos = camera_pos + random_vec * np.array([500.0, 500.0, 100.0])
            camera.set_attr('position', x=randomized_pos[0], y=randomized_pos[1], z=randomized_pos[2])
            camera.set_attr('lookAt', z=randomized_pos[2])

    def process(self):

from ksecs.ECS.processors.render_processor import RenderProcessor
class Render(RenderProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.gen_rgb(distort=0, noise=0)

from ksecs.ECS.processors.pixel_processor import PixelProcessor
from ksecs.resources import NYU40_MAPPING
class SemanticOutput(PixelProcessor):
    def process(self, **kwargs):

MINERVAS output samples


Depth Estimation


Depth estimiation is an essential task in indoor scene understanding. We show the performance gain by generating dataset using our system.

Here we show the DSL for generating depth images which helps boosting the current depth estimation task. More details can be found in the paper and supplementary document.

DSL code

In this example, we generate cameras by rules and generate depth images.

In the Entity Process Stage, we manually setup cameras in the valid rooms as shown in class CameraSetter. Specifially, we set the position by a rule and set the resolution of the image to 640* 480 and horizontal field-of-view (FoV) to 57 to align with Microsoft Kinect used in the NYUv2 dataset.

In the Pixel Process Stage, we setup the depth output in class DepthOutput.

from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
from shapely.geometry import Point
import numpy as np
import math
class CameraSetter(EntityProcessor):
    # Set a camera in the room by a heuristic rule
    def set_camera(self, room):
        width = 640
        height = 480
        # look from right corner of the room
        camera_height = min(2000,[0].height)
        right_corner = np.max(room.boundary, axis=0)
        room_polygon = room.gen_polygon()
        border, point = nearest_points(room_polygon, Point(right_corner))
        pos = [border.x - 200, border.y - 200, camera_height - 200]
        # look at room center
        look_at = room.position + [camera_height / 2]
        hfov = 57
        tan = (math.tan(math.radians(hfov / 2))) / (width / height)
        vfov = math.degrees(math.atan(tan)) * 2
            up=[0, 0, 1]
    def is_valid_room(self, room, num_furniture=3):
        # Check if the number of furniture in the room is above threshold.
        polygon = room.gen_polygon()
        count = 0
        for ins in
            if not ins.type == 'ASSET':
            if polygon.contains(Point([ins.transform[i] for i in [3, 7, 11]])):
                count += 1
        return count > num_furniture

    def process(self):
        # Delete all existing cameras
        for camera in
        # Set new camera for valid room
        for room in
            if self.is_valid_room(room):

from ksecs.ECS.processors.render_processor import RenderProcessor
class Render(RenderProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.gen_rgb(distort=0, noise=0)

from ksecs.ECS.processors.pixel_processor import PixelProcessor
class DepthOutput(PixelProcessor):
    def process(self, **kwargs):
        self.gen_depth(distort=0, noise=0)

MINERVAS output samples




Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is the computational problem of constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment while simultaneously keeping track of an agent's location within it1. Real-time, high-quality, 3D scanning of large-scale scenes is key to mixed reality and robotic applications like SLAM. In dense SLAM, a space is mapped by fusing the data from a moving sensor into a representation of the continuous surfaces.

In this experiment, we utilize our system for the SLAM learning task by generating images from a sequence of camera views, generated by our trajectory sampler.

More results of SLAM application can be found in the supplementary document.

DSL code

Our system give users the ability to create their custom camera trajectory.

We show an example of custom trajectory sampler DSL below.

import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
import glm

from ksecs.ECS.processors.entity_processor import EntityProcessor
from ksecs.ECS.processors.render_processor import RenderProcessor

class CustomTrajectorySampler(EntityProcessor):

    def calculate_vel(self, velocity, step_time):
        mu = glm.normalize(glm.vec2(np.random.normal(0, 1, size=2)))
        FORCE = 100
        f = FORCE * mu
        PHI, A, C_D, M = 1.204, 0.09, 0.1, 1.0
        d = -0.5 * glm.normalize(velocity) * PHI * A * C_D *, velocity)
        velocity = velocity + (d + f) * M * step_time
        S_MAX = 10
        if S_MAX < sqrt(, velocity)):
            velocity = S_MAX * glm.normalize(velocity)
        return velocity

    def process(self):
        for camera in

        key_points = []
        for room in
            # init
            room_points = []
            room_polygon = room.gen_polygon()
            camera_vel = glm.normalize(glm.vec2(np.random.normal(0, 1, size=2)))
            camera_pos = glm.vec2(room.position)
            # calcaulate key points
            length_of_trajectory, delta_time, scale = 5, 0.03, 1000
            for i in range(length_of_trajectory):
                # update camera params
                camera_vel = self.calculate_vel(camera_vel, delta_time)
                new_position = camera_pos + scale * camera_vel * delta_time
                next_camera_point = Point(tuple(new_position.xy))
                if not next_camera_point.within(room_polygon):
                    p1, p2 = nearest_points(room_polygon, next_camera_point)
                    normal = glm.normalize(glm.vec2(p1.x - p2.x, p1.y - p2.y))
                    camera_vel = glm.reflect(camera_vel, normal)
                camera_pos = camera_pos + scale * camera_vel * delta_time

            pitch=[-10, 10],

class Render(RenderProcessor):
    def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.gen_rgb(distort=0, noise=0)

MINERVAS output samples

After running with the DSL above, we can get a sequence of images (color and depth) along camera trajectory as shown below.



[1] wikipedia. Simultaneous localization and mapping.