

pitchfloatThe angle of pitchYes
heightfloatThe height of camera. The unit is mm.Yes
imageWidthintThe width of rendered imageYes
imageHeightintThe height of rendered imageYes
keyPointslist(Key points in image space. pixel indicies: [[[[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]]])YesThree dimensional list. 1. list of keypoints set 2. list of pixel coordinates. 3. pixel coordinates
fpsintFrames per second-Required if frameCount is not specified
speedfloattrajectory speed (the unit is mm/s)-Required if frameCount is not specified
speedModeintMode for randomized speed, 0: initial randomization 1: procedual randomization-Required if speed is specified
frameCountintTotal frame count-Required if fps is not specified
pitchModeintMode of pitch randomization, 0: initial randomization, 1: procedual randomizationYes
hfowfloatHorizontal field of view (the unit is degree)-Required if camera type is default or 'PERSPECTIVE'
vfowfloatVertical field of view (the unit is degree)-Required if camera type is default or 'PERSPECTIVE'
orthoWidthfloathorizontal field of view (the unit is mm)-Required if camera type is default or 'PERSPECTIVE'
orthoHeightfloatvertical field of view (the unit is mm)-Required if camera type is default or 'PERSPECTIVE'
heightModeintMode of camera height, 0: initial randomization, 1: procedual randomizationYes