

AttributeTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequired
idstrCamera ID, users need to add a prefix to ensure that the ID is unique-Yes
positiondictCamera coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm-Yes
lookAtdictTarget coordinates, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mmposition+{'x':1,'y':0,'z': 0}
updictCamera up direction, the format is {'x':1,'y':2,'z':3}, the unit is mm{'x':0,'y':0,'z': 1}
imageWidthfloatWidth of the image-Yes
imageHeightfloatThe height of the image-Yes
nearfloatCut plane near200
farfloatCut plane far2000000
orthoWidthfloatThe width of the camera displayed in the model space, in millimeters-yes
orthoHeightfloatThe height displayed by the camera in the model space, in millimeters-yes